Our Market Approach

Markets are dynamic systems with demand, supply and framework conditions being the interrelating elements, in which demand and supply have a direct, whereas framework conditions (i.e. legal, economic, technological, social constraints) have an indirect influence on the traded product or service.

EMCON Services has its own approach to deal with these dynamics:

Our Market Approach / Education

EMCON Services believes in education leading to the evolvement of knowledge, being the key requirement for sustainable development. Knowledge is power which stands on the pillars of formal education with accredited educational entities, non formal education outside the settings of such entities as well as informal education.

  • Formal education is a formal and systematic approach to education.
  • Non formal education refers to educational practices that are not a part of the formal or informal education.
  • Informal education is the process through which a person gains knowledge outside of the strict confinements of formal education.

Our Market Approach / Ambitions

EMCON Services believes ambitions to be the starting point for real change based on personal commitment. Ambitions are the foundations of future realities, often-a-times completely neglecting the status quo to create an improved product and/or service. Taking shots at the ambitions inspires third parties.

Our Market Approach / Business Engineering

EMCON Services believes in business engineering solutions that consider available resources.
Business Engineering is a profession in which traditional engineering principles are applied to the management of businesses. It hereby consists of initiating, planning, establishing, operating, monitoring and controlling as well as further developing businesses. Business Engineering comprises of the application of management and technology skills, knowledge, tools and techniques to business activities.

Our Market Approach / Project Management

EMCON Services believes in project management implementations that have the potential to advance education to a next level.
Project management is a leadership concept that professionalises the realization of business endeavours undertaken to develop sustainable results. It hereby consists of the responsibility of activities, the precision in situation analyses as well as tagert setting and an attitude of assertiveness to make the desires materialize.

Our Market Approach / Funding

EMCON Services believes that independent funding is a key requirement for a longterm approach.
Financial resources are a decisive input to guarantee the realization of activities necessary to pursue the ambitions set. Looking at projects with a deep impact for civil society pubic funding is an essential part, especially in the start up phase, whereas after having proven the its viability increased amounts of private finance are to be attracted for the growth phase.